Wed 28th August

Following the grotty weather on Sunday, and some better (but tricky) skies on Bank Holiday Monday, it was Wednesday. Although the gliders and ground equipment were out nice and early, all DI'd ready to go it was still a bit of a slow start before the first flight at 11:00 hrs. The mixture of old and new members worked well together getting everyone flown but the flights were mainly circuits, extended circuits with the aerotows giving the longest flights, but nothing epic. 

Not an epic sky (Mark Layton)

The conditions didn't help as one minute we were looking at the gloomy low clouds, the next sunny skies with some high cover followed by rain showers that covered the whole sky. All in the space of 20 mins. 

Gloomy low clouds at times (Mark Layton)

 Everyone flew including new Junior member Sam with Dave Perriam and Chris Warnes looked after the three trial lesson visitors. The rain arrived again at about 16:00 hrs so the decision to pack up early proved to be the best idea until an hour later it was bright and sunny again which was typical of the whole day! Still an enjoyable one and a good time was had by all. 

Filling in the mystery hole (Mark Layton)

Meanwhile there was a few things going on behind the scenes such as a hole that had appeared in the middle of the airfield in way of the old hedge line that needed to be filled in, unblocking of the gents urinals and securing the shelves in the launch point. All done by willing volunteers! - Mark Layton