Wed 21st August

It was hard to accept that it was still the middle part of August this morning as shorts were swiftly replaced with long trousers and various forms of added insulation during the day. The forecast thermals only appeared briefly and  intermittently during the day as did any ridge lift. 

Three two-seaters were flown as the DG505 is away at the 2-seater competition in Yorkshire. Both of the Junior gliders were flown and we managed 40 flights before handing over to the evening crew and heading  for the Clubhouse to a welcome respite from the biting wind.

Progress was made on training and card renewals by several members. It was good to see the average age plummet with several school-age members joining the regulars. It may even have briefly dipped below pension age.  John Allan managed the longest flight of 65mins in KPV. 

At morning briefing we wished Glenn bon voyage on his forthcoming sailing trip to the Aegean and look forward to seeing him again, when sadly the days will be much shorter. - Peter  Smith

Evening flying (Lisa Humphries)

A group of family and friends met at a cold and windy North Hill for the last group flying evening of the year. The brisk SW wind gave good launch heights coupled with some Ridge lift meant that all had extended flights. James Flory, Simon Jordy and Dave Perriam shared the flying and a  group five volunteers kept up a good launch rate to complete 12 flights before the light faded. A very happy group left just as the sun went down. - John Borland