Mon 12th August - Course Week

The day started at 8:30am with course briefing, and getting to know course members. The kit was got out, due to a blanket of cloud and low cloud base a met checkflight by Pete Smith with Tara (as ballast) was taken. 

Soon after we then headed to the briefing room for ground school on pre-launch considerations, hoping the weather would improve before lunch! It did and all course members got a couple of launches in. Though flyable we still had to release to avoid going into cloud on the launch. 

Low cloud to start (Mike Sloggett)

After lunch a short weather window of  variable conditions allowing extended circuits, as the west ridge was working a little together with thermal activity. 

Thermal activity later (Mike Sloggett)

Everyone flew today, with Barbara Cook taking her first ever flight in a glider. A good day had by all despite the very challenging crosswind and gusty conditions. - Michael Fawcett