Tues 13th August - Course Week

 The forecast predicted a sunny morning with rain setting in in the afternoon, however the weather varied - starting off with a low cloud base and a Southerly crosswind. As the clouds lifted the weather became slightly better and the rain started at about 5 o’clock, which was much later than predicted allowing us to extend the flying longer than planned. 

Cloud shadow over North Hill (Mike Sloggett)

Despite the weather, everyone pushed on to have a successful Tuesday with nice sporty flights. All the course members flew, Barbara had a lovely 19 minute flight at the end of the day and Lily had 2 simulated launch failures. It was nice seeing the newer members getting involved and building up their confidence on ground operations. 

Sporty flying on the south ridge (Mike Sloggett)

After the days flying we all stopped for some ground school lectures on circuit planning and winch launching, before finishing up after a few last minute food orders from the cafe.

The food was excellent as usual, despite the course members showing up very early for lunch. All the rock cakes were sold and the cafe was visited by several visitors, to which Mike delivered his sales pitch.

The instructors, Mike and Pete, worked hard as usual giving the course members another beneficial day for everyone's training. -Lily Sanders-Page