Sun 18 August - TSC Pocklington

The day began with a briefing from the local standup comedian/competition co-director Alan Rands. After seeing RASP we thought the task set was a bit optimistic with Mike Fox opening the met briefing with "I'm not really sure what the weather's going to do today". 

Two-Seater Comp Briefing (Connor Williams)

First launch was initially set to be 12:00 but kept on getting pushed back until a sniffer finally launched around 13:15 followed by the rest of the grid not much later. 

Unfortunately, not an Eagle day today (Shaun Dayman)

BBB (JB and John Pursey) was near the front of the grid but was back on the ground by the time the other two NHL gliders launched. 

JZK on the grid (Shaun Dayman)


We were very lucky to have Mike Armstrong (Camphill) who had kindly offered to provide two-seater training to Shaun and myself. Mike and I in JZK finding the first leg incredibly difficult (very nearly landed at York Racecourse) but not long after Rufforth we managed to contact wave climbing at about 6 knots all the way to 10,000ft. 

JZK in wave at 10,000ft (Connor Williams)


From this height we managed to ride the wave round the TPs all the way up to Tontine Inn. We were looking at Snainton hopefully but XCSoar was suggesting that if we went for it we weren't going to make it home.

DD3 (Phil Morrison and Alan Rappaport) also struggled early on but managed to contact wave after York, but only made it to Sutton Bank before turning back.

Le Chef but  I'd rather be flying (Connor Williams)

We all enjoyed a lovely Pork Belly for dinner as cooked by Chef Pursey. Overall a brilliant day (how often does a club glider do 150km and get to 10,000ft?) - Connor Williams