Sat 24th August

 For a day that was forecast to start as a definite grey one, on arrival it was good to see that several other optimistic souls had made the journey although admittedly all were taking shelter, from the rain, in the clubhouse.  With the presence of the CFI and the previous CFI this brought the number present to a perfect 10. However, an indicator of the Summer not having behaved as most of the UK had hoped, was that Stuart Procter had decided it was a ‘long trousers’ day. 

Cloud Street as far as you can see (Mark Courtney)

 After most members enjoying a cuppa or two from the North Hill café, the weather improved, therefore, around 11ish the ground equipment, the two K21’s and a Junior were D.I’d in readiness.  However, as the briefing took place dark clouds re-gathered and an early lunch was called. Pleasingly by 1pm, the rain had cleared and not long after Ashley Thomas and Mark Courtney took the 1st launch of the day.
Due to wind strength the day was given a Yellow Card rating later going to Blue Card.  Of the 11 flights flown, and before it went to Blue,  Simon Jordy flew two of the three trial flight visitors.  Both of whom loved the experience.  Solo pilots of the day were John Allan and Pete Startup both with 2hr+ flights. 

230 " Boistrous in the 23kt wind - never thought I'd get to KNO, let alone NTA as the conditions past Tiverton got worse - even got rained on by one rogue shower that I had to go through on the second leg. Stayed high as I thought getting low might prove difficult. Still, got more out of today than I expected!" Pete Startup

KPV "Wet and Rain until a cold front passed through after lunch, nice out towards Dulverton and views of Wimbleball lake.  With a brisk NW wind of around 18Kn getting back from Chard was a bit slow.  lovely cloud streets later, and one of those flights where you just want just "one more thermal" before you call it a day because everyone else has packed up!!" John Allan

Dave Weeks enjoying the vigorous thermals (Mark Courtney)

 Now to the exciting bit well certainly for Dave Weeks, Joel Roulson and Karen King who all had incredibly thermic flights experiencing at times 8-10 up!  Although often broken, the thermals were amazing leading to sufficient height for the fantastic opportunity for Karen (Mark on the controls) of a loop, some chandelles and a careful beat up along the ridge.  Going onto the circuit, the thermals continued making it a very lively experience with glider HCX after an approach of 70 coming to a stop just over an hour after launch.  From such a grey start what a day and thank you to everyone involved! - Karen King