Fri 30th August - Dartmoor GS expedition

As an ad-hoc coterie of would-be X-country fliers got together at North Hill for Bumblebee aerotows, at Brentor the first day’s DSGC visitors were being welcomed by the DGS locals. Soon after, DSGC’s G-GNHL Eurofox arrived, flown in from NHL by Stuart Procter with James Hood aboard. 

Meanwhile, instructors Mark Courtney and Steve Westlake supervised rigging of KEK with loads of help from George Sanderson, (who wasn’t really there to be an inspector) but instead was there as one of the day’s DSGC flying squad, along with Tom Gunner, Chris Warnes and Tim Petty.  Karen King and Paul Medlock were also on site, having arrived early for the expedition’s later days but they also helped both DSGC and DGS fliers.

DGS K13 FGR taking an aerotow (Steve Lesson)

The Eurofox, piloted by Stuart and Mark, was kept busy towing aerotow-starved DGS fliers plus planned tows for the DSGC visitors, together with instructors Stu, Mark or Steve. Soaring conditions were inconsistent as Tom and Tim both had around 1hour up to about 4000ft but the same thermals declined to play ball for unlucky George, who managed just over a quarter of an hour. The flight with Tim and Mark was notable for two things: the P2’s inability to centre in a thermal for ages until one was found – at last! - with 10 kts up; and then those 10kts were sustained!

DSGC at DGS (Steve Lesson)

Meanwhile Karen renewed her acquaintance with a  K13 for a launch by DSGC’s old SupaCat winch.
Despite great enthusiasm of the DGS pilots for an opportunity to fly aerotows at Brentor - power is normally limited to 15 launches a month - early on we watched as DGS Junior Jamie was winch-launched for an intensive series of stall and spin exercises in the DGS Puchacz: who needs a tug, anyway? 

Puchacz gets away from the winch for spinning sorte (Steve Lesson)

A great day out with spectacular (and different) scenery and the very hospitable DGS gang. Two conclusions: we must get some working trestles for the K21 trailer; and, if anyone suggests quad-bikes for glider retrieval at NHL, just tell them to shut up! - Tim Petty