Wed 21 August - Junior Nationals

Up early this morning to rig the glider, after the landout yesterday.  Briefing was at 10:15am, Task A was 167k, Task B a more conservative 94k!


Everyone was gridded quickly for a possible early start time. But, again we waited! First launch was announced for 11:50am Task A, there was an audible groan from the airfield as the WhatsApp message was received. However, further feedback from the sniffer was received, and a quick change of plan, first launch 12:15pm Task B!! There was much relief from the pilots.
Dan was at the back of the grid again today, so didn’t get his aerotow until 12:55pm

"The Start gate opened at 1:20pm, and I went early, along with a group of like-minded competitors. The whole flight was hard work, but I’ve had worse. I definitely played it safe, getting low over an airfield on the last leg, and seeing another glider on the ground, I considered joining him! Took about five climbs in one position trying to gain height!
When I went for the finish I was a thousand feet over glide! But just couldn’t make it, gutted when I landed in a field 700m short of the finish ring. "

JDP joined by X4 (Sally Hender)

This one was a much more challenging retrieve, even though Dan landed so close to the Husband Bosworth airfield. He struggled to find an unlocked gate, and while on the phone to the very helpful farmer, had another glider X4 join him in the field! 

Double derig (Sally Hender)

So two trailers were taken into the field, with both crews helping get the gliders carefully across the freshly-prepared soil to the trailers by the hedge! Back by 5:15pm, just in time for the Cocktail tasting!!! - Sally Hender