Wed 24th July

 Peter Smith's weather update this morning accurately said the probability of a above average soaring day would be lower than previously thought. Nevertheless, the Wednesday group pulled out ground vehicles and began to DI gliders in advance of the morning briefing, only to be halted by low cloud. And that overcast now was predicted to stay until rain in the afternoon.

Fortunately Andy Broderick had made use of the better weather yesterday to complete his Cross-Country endorsement with Mark Courtney - well done Andy.


Congratulations to Andy Broderick (James Hood)

Not to let adversity win, Glenn and Pete both took met flights shortly before 12:30 to confirm the cloud base, and judged that full height launches would start. Only the two K21s were used and the longest flight reached an astonishing 11 minutes.

We received a rental cherry picker which will help remove accumulated moss from the vehicle roof. Plucky Pete Smith went up and started the job until the rain came.

Peter Smith in action (Tom Sides)

No records today with 14 flights, but everyone got to fly. Not a bad day. - Tom Sides