Tue 2nd July - Course Week

Well day two of the course, weather a little better albeit still reasonably low cloud but flyable.
Everyone sorted gliders and kit, airfield set up and flying started, Dave Perriam on the winch for the morning whilst course members sorted their day's targets with Chris Wool and Steve Westlake - our two instructors.
There was an interesting crosswind which made for difficult launches, speed control and you guessed it, not very high releases!!
Which turned into some “up, around and down circuits” great for our early stage trainees but not so good for our solo pilot Andy Pickrell.  The conditions did provide some good learning experiences however. 


Setting up the Launch Control 

We stopped for lunch expecting a slight improvement in the afternoon and for once it did indeed improve, cloud lifted (a bit) and the wind decreased slightly which gave way to some better launch conditions.
Later in the afternoon the wind dropped off and the last few flights produced some extended flight times and thermals!!!

All course members flew and overall had an interesting but challenging day, with some good learning and experience being had. - Dave Perriam