Mon 1st July - Course Week

Well, Monday morning blues as the course members assembled in the Clubhouse full of expectation that the cloud will lift. Plenty of coffee, bacon rolls, and other nice things consumed, course briefings given, and a lecture on circuit planning delivered by our two esteemed instructors Steve Westlake and Chris Wool - the field set up ready to go in hope.
After much and constant looking skyward out of windows brightness was beginning to appear, expectation of good things (aviation taking place) all of a sudden seemed more likely. So a planned early lunch (yes shortly after consuming breakfast) took place and yes …… the first launch took place.

North Hill Airfield

The day turned around completely and went from mist to sunshine and even some extended airtime with Aaron Harris getting some soaring with Chris Wool.
Everyone flew and the day worked out well, with some good launches by Mike Rigby on the winch, Ashley logging, and Dave Perriam retrieving gliders.
Tim Petty getting to grips with the ASK21 again, and Andy Pickrell back for another course as he loves it here in Devon, and of course the numerous launch failures before resolo that he loves so much,  new member Adam Lay, Matt and Aaron Harris together with Dave Gregory  all having productive and progressive training flights.
Looking forward to day two and the probability of a full days flying. - Dave Perriam