Sat 6th July - Comp Enterprise Sutton Bank

Just before a 10:00 briefing there was a call to grid, a Wimbledon task was set. The scoring was by points awarded for alternate turning points each side of the 'net' and OLC distance in addition to standard bonus points. 

Lunch at the ready, the shorts didn't last long (Rob Hender)


With Dan Hender in JDP, Phil M and Alan R in DD3 and Connor wangled a flight in the back of FZ with Denbigh pilot Robert Vaughan. 

Connor Williams with Rob Vaughan (Rob Hender)

 Whilst the others were flying. Nick, Rob and Sally went on an expedition to the town of Thirsk. Returning with BBQ supplies and a brand new toaster (much to Rob's delight) which had it's test flight mid-afternoon.

Sunset over DD3 (Phil Morrison)

We had an excellent BBQ (thanks to the Henders Senior for cooking) to top off the England win.

We began by heading up to TON before heading over to the home of the eagle at Kirbymoorside. We then decided the conditions on the other side of the 'net' looked a bit iffy so we decided to push for distance by doing a downwind dash to Hull where we managed to get points in two different coastal zones (equivalent to 100kms). Sadly due to some encroaching showers we had to fire the turbo to get back.

Humber Bridge (Connor Williams)


And the Results Day 1:  Connor P2 in FZ came 4th with 280 points, Dan in JDP was 5th with 269 points, and Phil and Alan in DD3 were 9th with 214 points - Connor Williams & Sally Hender