Thur 4th July - Course Week

 A strong and cold WNW wind greeted the Thursday regulars and the course attendees. Mike Sloggett conducted a combined briefing and then the gliders (2x K21’s, DG505 and Perkoz) were brought out and given their daily inspection check. Course helpers Dave Perriam and Ashley Thomas had already set up the field and the first flight took off before 10am with  Chris Wool and course member Matt Harris. 

A yellow flag flew all day, fully justified by the strong gusty wind which thankfully was not far off the launch line making for good winch launches but also interesting approaches through the wind gradient. Almost from the start there were opportunities to stay up with the ridge working in places and as the day progressed broken thermals appeared in the turbulent air. Cloud base initially only 2,500ft steadily increased to nearly 4000ft. The course had a good day, run by Chris Wool and Steve Westlake completing 12 flights. Many of which were extended flights using a mixture of ridge and thermal. 

North Hill Airfield (Mike Sloggett)

 Two private gliders flew, 230 Pete Startup and FAJ John Borland. It was difficult to go far in the strong wind and unreliable thermals. There were also large areas of heavy sink to negotiate. Pete made it to Tiverton but all was gloom beyond, John half way to Tiverton. Both encountered heavy sink on the way back however the ridge provided a rescue while waiting for the next thermals to arrive on the wind. Mike Sloggett as the only Instructor not involved in the course worked his way through the training list conducting 11 flights. Dave Perriam helped with 6 flights.

In all 30 dual flights, 4 solo, Longest dual  flight Chris Wool with Course member Aaron 57 minutes, Longest solo flight John Borland 3 hours 5 minutes. - John Borland