Wed 10th July

 Other than a delayed start by low cloud it was a pleasant and enjoyable day. Many extended flights for those that “got away” although it wasn’t always easy, but that worked well for others undergoing check flights. It was easier once the  sun broke through, Andreas Kraemer and retired instructor John Sillett both had extended flights, Andreas keeping the flying smooth and conventional while John was determined to spend as much time as possible inverted or falling out of the sky. Meanwhile Glenn was  doing checks for several members and Dave Perriam flew two returning visitors from the recent  Go Gliding Women  event both of whom we hope to see again. 

Cloud shadows on North Hill Airfield (Peter Smith)

 Pete Startup went flyabout for a couple of hours on a Club 100,  and investigated a possible convergence nearer the coast followed by a challenging but successful return.

"Didn't expect to go anywhere today so a bit of a bonus. In a messy sky there was low cloudbase to the West and sea air and spreadout to the East. Ok to CRK but then decided to go and play in the sea air convergence(which I normally avoid like the plague!), which was fun for a bit until it ran out at Axminster and I was left with a slog into an 18kt breeze and uninspiring sky." Pete Startup

Spectacular cloud streets (Peter Smith)

 After some spectacular cloud streets late morning the sky closed in with grey cover. Finding the thermals became more difficult and they were weaker but still present. Potential new junior member Finlay Brooks enjoyed two flights learning  the delights of finding and climbing in thermals to which we hope he will become addicted.
Not a spectacular summer day’s flying but a good time and some rewarding flights. - Peter Smith