Sun 7th July - Comp Enterprise

There was a briefing at 10am this morning which optimistically set a "Visit all Corners" task between the showers.

First launch was about 11:30 with everyone away by 12:30. FZ was near the front of the grid with Rob Vaughan (Denbigh) and Connor Williams, Dan further towards the back in JDP and Phil and JB in DD3 wiping the sleep from their eyes bringing up the rear.

Launching the grid (Rob Hender)


"It was good, the lift was reliable so we had no trouble reaching any of the TPs and after turning Catterick decided to continue west for some extra kms. When the street ran out we turned around and headed back, hoping to return to Sutton Bank before the impending downpour. But the rainstorms beat us so we hung around out west under some meager looking clouds until we could see a clear way to landing without getting absolutely drenched. All in all a very enjoyable day." Phil & JB


"Amazing flight with some awesome views and skies. Great convergence just before managing a coastal crossing (extra points). At times, there was 'off-the-scale lift taking me to 7000ft, and managing three of the four quadrants. Left for home 2000ft above glide, got to the point where I could see the airfield but just couldn't make it. I got caught in the rain which made such a difference I could feel the glider sinking below me. Ended up in a great field which was smoother than Sutton Bank (not hard)." Dan

Nice field Dan (Rob Hender)


"After the publishing of yesterday's scores (putting us just ahead of Dan) we were filled with optimism for the day ahead and a position to defend. We launched early with the tug pilot kindly pulling us through plenty of great thermals before dumping us in a big blue hole. We decided to head for the NE sector picking up Helmsley and Kirbymoorside TPs before heading up the coast at Whitby towards an epic looking convergence where we gained two lots of sea points (again). Sadly the convergence didn't work as expected, so we had to fireup the turbo to get home passing several gliders following us (including JDP) on the way back. Not as good as yesterday with Hender junior overtaking us in the overall rankings." Connor

Whitby from FZ (Connor Williams)

UVR (Sally and Rob's 18m self launching Subaru):

Spent the afternoon following the gliders on glide and seek and since Dan seemed well over glide Sally was reaching for the Rosé just as they received a call from Dan saying he was in a field. After an eventful 10 minute drive over / through a ford, nearly hitting  a Bambi we arrived at Dan's What3Words location "searching.emotional.solution". Overall an easy retrieve from a great field back within the hour. All rounded off with a lovely evening spent at the pub (minimal alcohol was consumed during the writing of this blog).  


Crossing the ford (no challenge for the Suburu (Sally Hender)

Provisional Results for Day2

JDP  6th 329 points   Overall 6th
DD3 10th 225 points Overall 11th
FZ 12th 211 points Overall 9th

- Sally Hender and Connor Williams