Sun 21st July

With Saturday wiped out with low cloud, high humidity and 6mm of rain,  it was a  quiet start to the day today  briefing went ahead at 09:15. Despite being cold and grey Ron was convinced it was going to be a good day, only time would tell! Ron Johns was duty today helped by Mark Courtney, James Flory and Peter Smith helping in the afternoon after spending all morning clearing out the tunnel storage area with Stirling Melhuish. The old tractor tyres were finally off to a new home to a local farmer, luckily no skip was required as Stirling couldn’t resist filling his trailer with all sorts of junk!
Ron and James worked through the list and Mark continued checking out Shaun Dayman in the DG505 with awkward height cable breaks ready for his test with RE Simon Minson.  Tom Sides looking after the Trial lesson visitors, and Alan Rappaport and Stuart Procter sharing the tugging.

Congratulations to Andy Broderick  who successfully completed his first solo aerotow.

Well done to Andy Broderick (James Flory)

The private pilots moped around with sad little faces as the weather was more stubborn to clear than was forecast by Ron. But then the sky changed and soaring started, soon the private gliders were lined up on the aerotow, Bumblebee being brought into service as our EuroFox had brake problems. Thanks to Stuart Procter and Ian Mitchell for spending all Saturday, and Stuart most of Sunday morning trying to fix it. A small part is ordered that will soon sort the problem.
There was a nice atmosphere in the clubhouse lunchtime and Vicky was kept busy, a group of 10 cyclists stopped by for coffee and cake more than one saying they would like a flight one day. 

The sky promised much (Mark Courtney)

 With a spare glider Stuart and Mark took a rare opportunity to fly in the DG together with a local bimble around Tiverton. Late arrivals today were the Henders, Rob having been on night duty was understandably late out of bed and so was Dan  (no change there!).Sally was soon in the launch point organising proceedings with Rob helping out on the ground, I think Dan was asleep in the clubhouse! Wyn had a spinning session with Mark to complete his card checks, welcome back Wyn.

So flying continued with private gliders, Pete Startup (230), Eric Alston (G29), Mark Wallis (CEC), Hans Jenssen (HMS), Jeff Taberham (380) trying their luck with varying success. Needless to say Pete Startup achieved the longest flight 214mins!  

A pair of Discii (James Hood)

"Devon was difficult, Somerset nice and Dorset really nice - sadly most of the task was in Devon and LAP was one thermal too far for the conditions late in the day - if only I'd been quicker - story of my life!" - Pete Startup

G29 NH2 - Dulverton - Melbury Bubb - NH2 146 km.
"It was hard work to get to Dulverton, then got progressively easier east of North Hill with the cloud base increasing slightly." - Eric Alston

Dorset Gliding Club CFI, Nick Barnes arrived during the afternoon in a Falke with their club member Mauricio Dergham  for spin training  with Mark Courtney to complete his Bronze flight tests. North Hill are always glad to help out local clubs who might not have suitable aircraft for spinning. They both thanked us for our friendliness and vowed to return. 

Well, Ron got it right, at least for a few hours today, the hangar was packed away after 6pm, a few members sat in the sunshine outside the clubhouse and put  the world to rights, many thanks to everyone for making the day such a success with 38 winch launches and 13 aerotows from Bumblebee. - Mark Courtney & Sally Hender mashup