Another very busy day at North Hill with 36 winch launches and 10 aerotows, a bit of local soaring, Trial lesson visitors and family and friends flights and some achievements........
Early morning at North Hill (Paul Gunner) |
A big Congratulations to Junior Member Tom Gunner who satisfied everything that John Pursey could throw at him and enjoyed his first solo and then a second one with a soaring flight.
Congratulations Tom Gunner - first solo and soaring flight (Paul Gunner) |
Congratulations also to Chris Woodward who gained his Bronze endorsement completing his Bronze skills flying test with James Flory.
Congratulations Chris Woodward - Bronze endorsement ( Andy Williams) |
And even Sally Hender got in the air in Bumblebee with Stuart Procter
Sally and Stu (Sally Hender) |
There was another visitor who got lost in cloud! and landed at the wrong airfield.
Visitor from Skydive Buzz (Paul Medlock) |
A good flyable day, thanks to the great team. - Jill Harmer (who can make up a blog from very little content!)