Sat 13th July

  The day began with a burst of excitement as the early birds among us arrived at the airfield, brimming with optimism. In no time, the field was set up with a strip site towards the north edge, ready to commit some aviation.
 There was a buzz of anticipation as we all hoped Andy Broderick would open his kebab shop today. Alas, it wasn’t to be. Maybe next time, Andy? On the bright side, his choice of headwear provided the talking point of the day.
 With the skies overcast but our spirits high, all gliders were swiftly rolled out. At 9:30, Mark Courtney delivered a rousing briefing, fueling our excitement further. After a hearty breakfast, we were all set to commit some serious aviation!
 John Davis kicked things off with Mark, setting the pace for an action-packed day. Joel Roulson followed closely with James Flory, and after successfully completing three launch failure exercises, Joel earned his Red Card. Way to go, Joel! 

Well done Joel - Red card (Mark Courtney)

  Next up, Stuart Thomson took to the skies with Mark, facing a scenario set by Mark of rain and lightning. Both flights included downwind landings, with the glider stopping right back at the launch point—saving the golf buggies’ batteries, perhaps? 

Launch Control / Kebab Shop? (Stuart Thomson)

 As a band of rain loomed, an early lunch was called. We tried to resume flying post-lunch, but a dark, menacing cloud to the west had other plans. Just as we were about to pack up, a sudden downpour sent everyone scurrying for shelter—some  to the DG, others to the Fox, and a few to the launch point.

Staying dry in the DG505 Dave Weeks and Simon Leeson (Dave Weeks)

  When the rain finally subsided, it was all hands on deck to dry off and pack up the hangers. Despite the weather, we managed a total of 10 launches, with the longest flight soaring to an impressive 6 minutes.
 Let’s keep our fingers crossed for sunnier skies and more flying fun next time! - Stuart Thomson