Wed 31st July

Eight am and the ground vehicles were out and being checked and the flying lists filled in. Eventually, the clubhouse filled up with the Wednesday regulars and even some from Thursdays and other days, pre-empting the possible forecast thunderstorms.
Three instructors, Peter Smith, Glen Turpin and Steve Westlake presented the 9:30 briefing with a not-terribly-encouraging weather forecast, then urged on their customers and soon the 4 club two-seaters and  2 Juniors were lined up in a very impressive group at the West end, joined by the Club Eurofox and a Falke. 

Club grid ready (Ashley Thomas)

 It was hot and got hotter: no shade meant water and sun protection was essential, and to be honest, it was a bit debilitating. At least the cable retrieve truck had aircon !

Winch launches were basically up, around and down with the exception of Nick Johnson, 55 mins. and Sandy Harrap at 65 minutes and 3750 ft., and of course the aerotows who were able to pick and choose their setting -off points.and achieved better times.
Only a couple of private gliders joined in. I think they were waiting for  better omens, and Simon Jordy took a couple of trial flight visitors. 
Trial lesson visitor Chris Phillips (Lisa Humphries)

We managed, in  an unpromising day, 35 winch launches and 15 aerotows.

A family, visiting after a cafe treat, were given a tour of the Perkoz, and Bertie, “I am 6, not 5”, thought it would be cool to go at 100 miles an hour. “So that’s how you get in,” and considered that eight years to wait to fly solo was not too long to wait.

Everything was packed up by 1800 hrs and the last few members drifted off home  after a bit of a wind-down chat. Jonathan Eskine (first-time blogger)

Sun 28th July

 Sunshine all day and conditions rather better than forecast with thermals from almost the first launch until fatigue and diminishing numbers drew a long day to a close. 33 flights and over 20 hours flying including two out and return 300km  flights by Ron & Dan  Johns in 711 and Simon Minson in SM to Chieveley Services north of Newbury.

North Hill Airfield  - end of July and not even slightly brown yet! (Peter Smith)


 An early dilemma over a light tailwind delayed the first launch for a trip to the western windsock where conditions were more favourable, so we resisted the temptation to change ends before starting flying and thus it remained.

Minimal headwind meant only a short window to find and centre on thermals but a good training day for finding and using thermals for several of our younger (and some not so young) members . The forecast sea air didn’t materialise. Paul  Summers flew  the 3 booked trial lesson visitors, all enjoying extended flights. 

Wall to wall sunshine (Peter Smith)


Glenn Turpin stepped in at short notice to share the instructing workload and James Flory helped when not flying the tug enabling us to fly almost everyone by close of play, apologies to anyone who didn’t get airborne. A really good day,  thanks to all who helped, particularly including our launch marshalls David Wojnar who didn’t fly and did a long stint in the winch in the afternoon and Chris Woodward who managed the afternoon session very efficiently.  - Peter Smith


O/R to Chieveley 305kms


"Great day out with 711, low and weak across the Somerset levels, conditions improved from Keevil onwards, good solid climbs to 5500QNH giving a good run into Tp, and return to around Trowbridge.
Looking towards home (across the levels) the sky looked challenging, and it was !  Needed a climb at Taunton to get home, thankfully  Taunton gave a good 3Kt to run home." - Simon Minson


"Slow start Devon cloudbase 2200ft, poor over Somerset levels, big improvement from Westbury .
Getting home proved the usual challenge with a southerly airflow knocking out any convection from Glastonbury. Low save once we got onto the high ground of the Black Downs. Close one but very enjoyable…I think !" - Ron Johns


W7 landing safely at Smeatharp (Wyn Davies)


"Landed at Smeatharp airfield. Learner drivers on runway, so landed safely at edge of "peas" with right wing on tarmac. Thanks Stirling for putting it in the trailer with me. " Wyn Davies

Sun 28th July - Sid's TW Nympsfield

The grid opened early, so 230 (Pete Startup), DD3 (Phil Morrison and JB) and JDP (Dan Hender) were on the line by 8:30am! The briefing was at 10:00am, setting task A as 301k,  NYM - Chievely - Bozeat - NYM, although once the pilots were putting it into their Oudies, they realised it was actually only 292km. Dan briefly toyed with the idea of doing his 300k (again), but his competitive side won through, and loaded the task instead! 


Sky still looks good (Rob Hender)

 "On the first leg, I didn’t get very high, but I didn’t feel like it was too slow, second leg was good in the peak of the day and much better and a bit faster. 

Silverstone from JDP (Dan Hender)

  I got to the second turn point and was disappointed when I realised I still had 130k to go! The last leg home was very difficult, got to a very low point, and had to try four different clouds before finding any lift. I had an excellent field picked out as the cows seemed to get bigger and bigger, but fortunately didn’t need it. Very hard work, but I made it back! " Dan Hender


230 getting back (Rob Hender)

"Slow first 45 km, slow last 45km- but the rest was nice." Pete Startup


DD3 landing (Rob Hender)

"Happy days at Sid's task week, not much progress on HS2." Phil Morrison

BBQ tonight before Team Hender leave for home, good luck to the remaining North Hill pilots for the rest of the week. - Sally Hender

Sat 27th July

A quick visit to the club for me, Eagle varios to look at and trailer fittings to check. It was a very quiet club that greeted me when I arrived late morning. I knew Sid’s task week at Nympsfield had claimed a few but there was an almost absence of tyro customers for James F. Instead there was some check flying for the likes of Stuart Procter and Andrew Broderick with Martin Woolner doing some coaching with others including Shaun Dayman.

With James having just done a few simulated launch failure walks back down the field, I was happy to step in a do some with Gill Morrison. Gill is returning to regular flying after a 'teenager-sized gap'. The day was perfect with light winds and after some good checks I was delighted to be able let Gill go soaring on her own!


Gill Morrison resoloes at North Hill (John Pursey)



Congratulations Gill

The weather was intermittently quite good and a steady stream of visitors had some introductory flights. Alan Turner pushed his B4 out as did Wyn Davies with his LS7 but neither were really lucky with their launch time dice roll. Gill solo and Eagle bits done I snuck off for domestic credits leaving that instructing machine that is James F still powering away! - John Pursey

Sat 27th July - Sids Task Week Nympsfield

 We arrived at the club quite late Friday night, so putting up the tents and going to the pub was our priority!

We were therefore up early to rig JDP and DD3, (230 Pete Startup had done his Friday afternoon).
Briefing was at 10am and a 120k task was set to Wantage and return. 

Briefing (Sally Hender)

The grid started launching at just after 11am, with JDP (Dan Hender), 230 (Pete Startup) and DD3 (Phil Morrison and JB) near the rear and not getting airborne until pushing 12.00!

Might take a while to cut the grass on the airfield (Sally Hender)

"I took a climb from the winch launch to about 2000ft, not really as high as I wanted, but decided to go straight into the task as I was getting on for the latest time I ideally wanted to start. I messed up slightly at the turn point, as I left a thermal to head towards 230 who was already in another, but he then left it as I was heading towards him, putting me lower on a downwind turn point.

I had final glide at 35k out, but was getting near airspace, which I would have descended into, so moved on, but managed to get back in average lift. My aim based on the forecast, was to get back to the airfield at 1:30pm, (2pm at the latest). However, I got back at 1:33pm! Enjoyable day, a shame it didn’t last longer." Dan Hender

"Slow to get away from NYM and spent the rest of the task playng catch up - shoud have restarted really." Pete Startup

We were back at the cafe by 2:30, for a coffee and chat, a game of pool in the clubhouse, and then pub again in the evening! A nice way to spend a Saturday. - Sally Hender

Wed 24th July

 Peter Smith's weather update this morning accurately said the probability of a above average soaring day would be lower than previously thought. Nevertheless, the Wednesday group pulled out ground vehicles and began to DI gliders in advance of the morning briefing, only to be halted by low cloud. And that overcast now was predicted to stay until rain in the afternoon.

Fortunately Andy Broderick had made use of the better weather yesterday to complete his Cross-Country endorsement with Mark Courtney - well done Andy.


Congratulations to Andy Broderick (James Hood)

Not to let adversity win, Glenn and Pete both took met flights shortly before 12:30 to confirm the cloud base, and judged that full height launches would start. Only the two K21s were used and the longest flight reached an astonishing 11 minutes.

We received a rental cherry picker which will help remove accumulated moss from the vehicle roof. Plucky Pete Smith went up and started the job until the rain came.

Peter Smith in action (Tom Sides)

No records today with 14 flights, but everyone got to fly. Not a bad day. - Tom Sides

Sun 21st July

With Saturday wiped out with low cloud, high humidity and 6mm of rain,  it was a  quiet start to the day today  briefing went ahead at 09:15. Despite being cold and grey Ron was convinced it was going to be a good day, only time would tell! Ron Johns was duty today helped by Mark Courtney, James Flory and Peter Smith helping in the afternoon after spending all morning clearing out the tunnel storage area with Stirling Melhuish. The old tractor tyres were finally off to a new home to a local farmer, luckily no skip was required as Stirling couldn’t resist filling his trailer with all sorts of junk!
Ron and James worked through the list and Mark continued checking out Shaun Dayman in the DG505 with awkward height cable breaks ready for his test with RE Simon Minson.  Tom Sides looking after the Trial lesson visitors, and Alan Rappaport and Stuart Procter sharing the tugging.

Congratulations to Andy Broderick  who successfully completed his first solo aerotow.

Well done to Andy Broderick (James Flory)

The private pilots moped around with sad little faces as the weather was more stubborn to clear than was forecast by Ron. But then the sky changed and soaring started, soon the private gliders were lined up on the aerotow, Bumblebee being brought into service as our EuroFox had brake problems. Thanks to Stuart Procter and Ian Mitchell for spending all Saturday, and Stuart most of Sunday morning trying to fix it. A small part is ordered that will soon sort the problem.
There was a nice atmosphere in the clubhouse lunchtime and Vicky was kept busy, a group of 10 cyclists stopped by for coffee and cake more than one saying they would like a flight one day. 

The sky promised much (Mark Courtney)

 With a spare glider Stuart and Mark took a rare opportunity to fly in the DG together with a local bimble around Tiverton. Late arrivals today were the Henders, Rob having been on night duty was understandably late out of bed and so was Dan  (no change there!).Sally was soon in the launch point organising proceedings with Rob helping out on the ground, I think Dan was asleep in the clubhouse! Wyn had a spinning session with Mark to complete his card checks, welcome back Wyn.

So flying continued with private gliders, Pete Startup (230), Eric Alston (G29), Mark Wallis (CEC), Hans Jenssen (HMS), Jeff Taberham (380) trying their luck with varying success. Needless to say Pete Startup achieved the longest flight 214mins!  

A pair of Discii (James Hood)

"Devon was difficult, Somerset nice and Dorset really nice - sadly most of the task was in Devon and LAP was one thermal too far for the conditions late in the day - if only I'd been quicker - story of my life!" - Pete Startup

G29 NH2 - Dulverton - Melbury Bubb - NH2 146 km.
"It was hard work to get to Dulverton, then got progressively easier east of North Hill with the cloud base increasing slightly." - Eric Alston

Dorset Gliding Club CFI, Nick Barnes arrived during the afternoon in a Falke with their club member Mauricio Dergham  for spin training  with Mark Courtney to complete his Bronze flight tests. North Hill are always glad to help out local clubs who might not have suitable aircraft for spinning. They both thanked us for our friendliness and vowed to return. 

Well, Ron got it right, at least for a few hours today, the hangar was packed away after 6pm, a few members sat in the sunshine outside the clubhouse and put  the world to rights, many thanks to everyone for making the day such a success with 38 winch launches and 13 aerotows from Bumblebee. - Mark Courtney & Sally Hender mashup

Thurs 18th July

It was warm on the field from the get go. A light SSE wind dictated a west end launch point. All four two-seaters and two Juniors were brought out and DI’d before the daily briefing by Mike Sloggett. The day promised little chance of soaring in very calm conditions but good for circuit training and launch failures (planned). Some cloud appeared and went during the day but none provided any lift after an early promise when the first three flights stayed up. Sunblock and plenty of water was the order of the day.  Meanwhile in the hot clubhouse Andy Pincombe was reaquainting himself with a Bronze exam paper as part of his AssCat preparation. 

K21 on training (Dave Clements)

Robert Lee was tuggy flying four aerotows before a brake problem rendered Red Fox U/S. Alan Rappaport kindly continued with two more in the Yellow Fox. More excitement occurred when the Winch decided to throw a fan belt threatening to scupper the evening flying programme however John Allen who was winching at the time got stuck in with others and a hour later all was working again after a change of ends as the wind went lighter  and SSW. The Dawlish U3A evening flying group joined us and were treated to a sunny calm evening at North Hill completing 18 flights.

Thanks to Mike Sloggett, Ron Johns, Steve Westlake, and Chris Wool for enduring the hot humid training conditions. Dave Perriam first flights and the evening group flying, James Flory and Dan Hender and support team for the evening flying. A big team effort, 39 winch launches and 6 aerotows.  - John Borland

Wed 17th July

 A beautiful early morning until arriving at North Hill enveloped by cloud and murk......
So a delayed start until it cleared for a first launch at 10:45, and then we were underway and flying all day. All the Club gliders were out and in use all day with over 40 launches including 14 aerotows which kept Simon Jordy busy as were  Glenn and I with the flying list. 

North Hill airfield (Peter Smith)

  Everyone flew by close of play with Stuart Proctor helping out in the back seat on the way home for which we were very grateful. Most members had 2 flights and there were 3 trial lesson visitors. Jamie West (son of Julian) enjoyed a family and friends with Chris Warnes. 

Jamie West (Julian West)

Several private gliders rigged and flew, Pete Startup having the longest flight – no surprise there – at 125mins. 

With Malcolm Vest (Peter Smith)


The weather was fickle and more or less back to front with what had been predicted as the sea air didn’t materialise on schedule  and we had some decent soaring during the afternoon. All in all a good day. - Peter Smith

Sun 14th July

Another very busy day at North Hill with 36 winch launches and 10 aerotows, a bit of local soaring, Trial lesson visitors and family and friends flights and some achievements........

Early morning at North Hill (Paul Gunner)


A big Congratulations  to Junior Member Tom Gunner who satisfied everything that John Pursey could throw at him and enjoyed his first solo and then a second one with a soaring flight. 

Congratulations Tom Gunner - first solo and soaring flight (Paul Gunner)


Congratulations also to Chris Woodward who gained his Bronze endorsement completing his Bronze skills flying test with James Flory.

Congratulations Chris Woodward - Bronze endorsement ( Andy Williams)


And even Sally Hender got in the air in Bumblebee with Stuart Procter 

Sally and Stu (Sally Hender)

There was another visitor who got lost in cloud! and landed at the wrong airfield.

Visitor from Skydive Buzz (Paul Medlock)

A good flyable day, thanks to the great team. - Jill Harmer (who can make up a blog from very little content!)


Sat 13th July

  The day began with a burst of excitement as the early birds among us arrived at the airfield, brimming with optimism. In no time, the field was set up with a strip site towards the north edge, ready to commit some aviation.
 There was a buzz of anticipation as we all hoped Andy Broderick would open his kebab shop today. Alas, it wasn’t to be. Maybe next time, Andy? On the bright side, his choice of headwear provided the talking point of the day.
 With the skies overcast but our spirits high, all gliders were swiftly rolled out. At 9:30, Mark Courtney delivered a rousing briefing, fueling our excitement further. After a hearty breakfast, we were all set to commit some serious aviation!
 John Davis kicked things off with Mark, setting the pace for an action-packed day. Joel Roulson followed closely with James Flory, and after successfully completing three launch failure exercises, Joel earned his Red Card. Way to go, Joel! 

Well done Joel - Red card (Mark Courtney)

  Next up, Stuart Thomson took to the skies with Mark, facing a scenario set by Mark of rain and lightning. Both flights included downwind landings, with the glider stopping right back at the launch point—saving the golf buggies’ batteries, perhaps? 

Launch Control / Kebab Shop? (Stuart Thomson)

 As a band of rain loomed, an early lunch was called. We tried to resume flying post-lunch, but a dark, menacing cloud to the west had other plans. Just as we were about to pack up, a sudden downpour sent everyone scurrying for shelter—some  to the DG, others to the Fox, and a few to the launch point.

Staying dry in the DG505 Dave Weeks and Simon Leeson (Dave Weeks)

  When the rain finally subsided, it was all hands on deck to dry off and pack up the hangers. Despite the weather, we managed a total of 10 launches, with the longest flight soaring to an impressive 6 minutes.
 Let’s keep our fingers crossed for sunnier skies and more flying fun next time! - Stuart Thomson

Fri 12th July - Comp Enterprise

Friday 12th July was another wash out, but the day was ended with a great meal in the clubhouse and the prize giving. 

"Congratulations to all the trophy winners…..

The Blunt Nails trophy, an award for a wooden, or lowest performance or wooden glider,  or novice pilot. This went to Dan Hender. 

The Blunt Nails Trophy - Dan Hender (Comp Ent)

 The pure glider trophy, the highest placed pure glider, and 4th overall,  this also went to Dan Hender. 

Highest placed pure glider  - Dan Hender (Comp Ent)

MOP Trophy. This is awarded to the highest placed engine equipped glider. This went to Chris Gill.
The John Cadman trophy for most outstanding flight was awarded to Chris Gill,  for his flight of 620km into Snowdonia.
The Sam Witter trophy, this is awarded for the best flight after starting the engine.  This is awarded to Ian Molesworth.
3rd place, it was close, this was awarded to Mike Armstrong for the 6th time!!
2nd place goes to Bob Bromwich, well deserved!
First place, the Enterprise challenge trophy goes to Chris Gill for the fourth time! Such a gallant effort!

Lastly, in memory of YGC president and longtime Enterprise member. We are proud to present the Nick Gaunt Trophy. This will be awarded by the director and Enterprise Chairman. This year, it is awarded to Jon Hill for completing his diamond goal during an Enterprise task.

We must thank the Yorkshire Gliding club for hosting us, and all the team, and of course the sponsors! All in all a great week.
Enterprise is over for another year... " 

Phil Morrison helping with the derig (Sally Hender)

Dan was also very pleased to have been awarded the Competition Enterprise Novice Award, Team DD3 came 8th overall, and Connor Williams flying with Robert Vaughan came 11th. - Sally Hender

Thur 11th July

 It was pretty daunting as we began to be organised on Thursday. The flying list was long, both for dual and single seat flying, there weren't many instructors on hand (and several of those that were available were hoping to coach and train other upcoming instructors). But Mike Sloggett took a deep breath and off we started. The weather gods finally looked kindly on North Hill, though it must be noted that CFI Courtney later revised his initial decision of where to position the launch point as the wind veered more northerly than predicted. 

Private gliders lining up on the grid (Mark Courtney)

The initial broken thermals began firming up and the first of 10 private gliders took off just before 12:00. Simon Jordy handled the first Trial Voucher flight, but the demand for discounted aerotows forced him to assume tug pilot duty. Luckily, Dave Perriam stepped in to take care of the other Voucher Trial Flight Visitors and one Day Walk-in Flight while I handled two other Walk-in flights. 

Simon, Dave and Tom looked after the Visitors (Mark Courtney)

Chris Wool worked with Andy Pincombe and Mark with Shaun Dayman  on Instructor training while an indefatigable Mike kept flying with others on the two-seater list. We had a number of new young members keeping him busy: Finley Brooks, Aaron Harris and Robin Dafforn were also kept occupied with ground training activities when not flying. 

Pete Stapleton flew in for his checkout with Ian in EuroFox (Mark Courtney)

 The instructors had to put a two flight limit in order to insure everyone was able to fly, so apologies go out as the thermals became easier to find and we had longer flights as the afternoon wore on. We ended up with 46 glider flights so this was one of the best flying days the club has seen for some time.

It was a pleasure to see Pete Harmer visit the club following his recent heart surgery. We all hope his recovery is rapid and that he and Jill are soon back enjoying the summer with us. - Tom Sides

Wed 10th July

 Other than a delayed start by low cloud it was a pleasant and enjoyable day. Many extended flights for those that “got away” although it wasn’t always easy, but that worked well for others undergoing check flights. It was easier once the  sun broke through, Andreas Kraemer and retired instructor John Sillett both had extended flights, Andreas keeping the flying smooth and conventional while John was determined to spend as much time as possible inverted or falling out of the sky. Meanwhile Glenn was  doing checks for several members and Dave Perriam flew two returning visitors from the recent  Go Gliding Women  event both of whom we hope to see again. 

Cloud shadows on North Hill Airfield (Peter Smith)

 Pete Startup went flyabout for a couple of hours on a Club 100,  and investigated a possible convergence nearer the coast followed by a challenging but successful return.

"Didn't expect to go anywhere today so a bit of a bonus. In a messy sky there was low cloudbase to the West and sea air and spreadout to the East. Ok to CRK but then decided to go and play in the sea air convergence(which I normally avoid like the plague!), which was fun for a bit until it ran out at Axminster and I was left with a slog into an 18kt breeze and uninspiring sky." Pete Startup

Spectacular cloud streets (Peter Smith)

 After some spectacular cloud streets late morning the sky closed in with grey cover. Finding the thermals became more difficult and they were weaker but still present. Potential new junior member Finlay Brooks enjoyed two flights learning  the delights of finding and climbing in thermals to which we hope he will become addicted.
Not a spectacular summer day’s flying but a good time and some rewarding flights. - Peter Smith

Mon 8th July - Comp Enterprise

 After an optimistic briefing at 10am, prior gridding gave Dan 6th place to launch - at 11:15am, which was a blessing as the thermals were moving away from the airfield. FZ with Connor and Robert Vaughan, followed by DD3 with Phil Morrison and Alan Rappaport were later to launch bringing up the vanguard. The grid was completed by 11:45am, most of the competitors headed south, LEW Chris Gill ended up over Snowdon, gaining extra points. 


Dan Hender Big Blue hole (Rob Hender)

  "Made it to Bakewell, then a climb to 8500ft back near Sutton Bank, gave me extra points, earning 512 for the day." Dan Hender (ed: well done Dan  - 335km but still no Gold Badge)


Phil Morrison and Alan Rappaport (Rob Hender)

 "We struggled to get away from the blue hole over Sutton Bank, but got some great pictures of the Humber Bridge, then down south to Gainsborough, then to Sheffield East then returned to Sutton Bank, relatively easy day, but not as good as the forecast/people  predicted." Alan Rappaport


Robert Vaughan and Connor Williams (Rob Hender)

"Initially hard, not as forecast, spent about half an hour getting away from Sutton Bank, got two sea crossings again, made it back without the iron thermal for the first time… only just!" Connor Williams

Connor then got caught for a 'carry-out' retrieve from somewhere near Hull out of a wheat field, finally returning to the clubhouse at 8:15pm! Back in time for the gin and tonic, and chilli at the clubhouse.
In the mean time Sally patched up the tent ready for the rain tomorrow! - Sally Hender

Provisional Results for Day 3  see Competition  Enterprise website

JDP  9th 530 points   Overall 4th
DD3 8th 546 points Overall 8th
FZ 17th 428 points Overall 11th


Sun 7th July - Comp Enterprise

There was a briefing at 10am this morning which optimistically set a "Visit all Corners" task between the showers.

First launch was about 11:30 with everyone away by 12:30. FZ was near the front of the grid with Rob Vaughan (Denbigh) and Connor Williams, Dan further towards the back in JDP and Phil and JB in DD3 wiping the sleep from their eyes bringing up the rear.

Launching the grid (Rob Hender)


"It was good, the lift was reliable so we had no trouble reaching any of the TPs and after turning Catterick decided to continue west for some extra kms. When the street ran out we turned around and headed back, hoping to return to Sutton Bank before the impending downpour. But the rainstorms beat us so we hung around out west under some meager looking clouds until we could see a clear way to landing without getting absolutely drenched. All in all a very enjoyable day." Phil & JB


"Amazing flight with some awesome views and skies. Great convergence just before managing a coastal crossing (extra points). At times, there was 'off-the-scale lift taking me to 7000ft, and managing three of the four quadrants. Left for home 2000ft above glide, got to the point where I could see the airfield but just couldn't make it. I got caught in the rain which made such a difference I could feel the glider sinking below me. Ended up in a great field which was smoother than Sutton Bank (not hard)." Dan

Nice field Dan (Rob Hender)


"After the publishing of yesterday's scores (putting us just ahead of Dan) we were filled with optimism for the day ahead and a position to defend. We launched early with the tug pilot kindly pulling us through plenty of great thermals before dumping us in a big blue hole. We decided to head for the NE sector picking up Helmsley and Kirbymoorside TPs before heading up the coast at Whitby towards an epic looking convergence where we gained two lots of sea points (again). Sadly the convergence didn't work as expected, so we had to fireup the turbo to get home passing several gliders following us (including JDP) on the way back. Not as good as yesterday with Hender junior overtaking us in the overall rankings." Connor

Whitby from FZ (Connor Williams)

UVR (Sally and Rob's 18m self launching Subaru):

Spent the afternoon following the gliders on glide and seek and since Dan seemed well over glide Sally was reaching for the Rosé just as they received a call from Dan saying he was in a field. After an eventful 10 minute drive over / through a ford, nearly hitting  a Bambi we arrived at Dan's What3Words location "searching.emotional.solution". Overall an easy retrieve from a great field back within the hour. All rounded off with a lovely evening spent at the pub (minimal alcohol was consumed during the writing of this blog).  


Crossing the ford (no challenge for the Suburu (Sally Hender)

Provisional Results for Day2

JDP  6th 329 points   Overall 6th
DD3 10th 225 points Overall 11th
FZ 12th 211 points Overall 9th

- Sally Hender and Connor Williams

Sat 6th July - Comp Enterprise Sutton Bank

Just before a 10:00 briefing there was a call to grid, a Wimbledon task was set. The scoring was by points awarded for alternate turning points each side of the 'net' and OLC distance in addition to standard bonus points. 

Lunch at the ready, the shorts didn't last long (Rob Hender)


With Dan Hender in JDP, Phil M and Alan R in DD3 and Connor wangled a flight in the back of FZ with Denbigh pilot Robert Vaughan. 

Connor Williams with Rob Vaughan (Rob Hender)

 Whilst the others were flying. Nick, Rob and Sally went on an expedition to the town of Thirsk. Returning with BBQ supplies and a brand new toaster (much to Rob's delight) which had it's test flight mid-afternoon.

Sunset over DD3 (Phil Morrison)

We had an excellent BBQ (thanks to the Henders Senior for cooking) to top off the England win.

We began by heading up to TON before heading over to the home of the eagle at Kirbymoorside. We then decided the conditions on the other side of the 'net' looked a bit iffy so we decided to push for distance by doing a downwind dash to Hull where we managed to get points in two different coastal zones (equivalent to 100kms). Sadly due to some encroaching showers we had to fire the turbo to get back.

Humber Bridge (Connor Williams)


And the Results Day 1:  Connor P2 in FZ came 4th with 280 points, Dan in JDP was 5th with 269 points, and Phil and Alan in DD3 were 9th with 214 points - Connor Williams & Sally Hender