It was a bit of a slow start as most members had driven through some rain to get to North Hill this morning. But looking at the forecast rainfall, the Met Office were confident that North Hill would stay dry all day.It was hoped that the light and variable wind would allow us to fly from the east end, but the wind picked up to a steady 5knots easterly and so the gliders were all walked down the field.
North Hill airfield from the east.....(Mike Sloggett) |
With fairly dark clouds all around the local area, but only medium and high level clouds at the airfield, the air seemed very still, and nothing to extend the winch circuits or even the aerotows. It was a good day for training - 40 flights in all.
.....and from the west (Mike Sloggett) |
Well done to Andy Davey who was checked out and flew solo aerotow. Well done also to Chris Mew who got the final signature on his cross-country endorsement having completed his 2hour flight last week.
Launch point (Mark Courtney) |
Highlight of the day was when Freeda the new Freelander came out to join the ground vehicles on glider retrieves.
Freeda the Freelander (Jill Harmer) |
As forecast at 15:00hrs exactly the wind swung round to SSW and a swift change of ends ensued.
Lisa Humphries flying the evening group (Mark Courtney) |
In the evening, a group from the local pony club turned up for a very enjoyable 24 glider flights and social evening. - J&P