Sun 7th August

 The day got off to a slow start, with just enough people available to get 3 x 2 seaters towed over the the launch point, with the winch being in the West end.  The first launch was taken just after 10am.  
As the day went on, a few more people arrived and the 4th 2 seater and a junior were brought over to the launch line, along with a few private gliders.  training carried on all day, with Mike Sloggett leading and a few others helping out throughout the day.  Despite the high temperatures, we managed to keep going all day. 


Even the newly seeded area is going brown now (Mike Sloggett)

There were plenty of thermals to be had, providing for some good local soaring opportunities.  The private owners took advantage of this and headed off cross country.
All in all, a good day was had and everybody flew. 33 winch and aerotow flights - Josh Batchelor

Pete 230  "A low stress bimble round the Club 100 in the blue with SM and 711."