Mon 1st August - Course Week

A lovely start to the first course week in August and after the introductions / briefings etc  gave soaring flights from mid-morning. Andy Pickrell opted to forgo his lunch for a long training soaring flight with Pete Harmer. Mike and Harry Rigby both enjoyed some refresher soaring and launch failure training with James Flory.

Great sky at lunchtime (Jill Harmer)

New member Gordon Hindell refreshed his memory of gliding from 27 years ago at Dunstable, Tara Ashwood enjoyed some new experiences with gliding training with James. John Davis continued his DSGC training with Pete. 

Wave interference (Jill Harmer)

 The soaring conditions became more difficult during the afternoon with wave interference, and then a clearing sky with out of reach lenticulars.

Just lenticulars everywhere (Jill Harmer)

Thanks also to guest instructor Chris Wool for helping out with the flying list. 

More to follow during the week. - J&P