Wed 4th September - Course Week

The last course week of the season with Peter Field and Steve Westlake, school term under way, and an indifferent forecast reduced the club flying list to achievable proportions. Mike Sloggett joined us for the day after looking at Thursday’s forecast and was kept busy all day. 

North Hill from the north (Peter Smith)
The crosswind was boisterous at times and launch heights weren’t impressive, I only once saw over 1,000 ft at release in the Perkoz. The opportunity to get away was short-lived but several managed to do so.  James Rowe, a potential new  member, joined us for the morning and was impressed by his first winch launch. After a quick up, round and down he had an extended flight to begin the basic handling exercises and have an insight into soaring.  
Congratulations to Sandy Harrup for passing her BGA Crosscountry endorsement navigation(Ian Mitchell)

Pete Startup 230 went flyabout to the west and reported difficult conditions around South Molton. Nick Harrison had the second longest flight in JDD. 50 glider flights in total made it a worthwhile day, thanks to all who contributed, and particularly  Mike for making the guest appearance.  - Peter Smith