Sun 15th September

Mike Sloggett, Duty Instructor, put out another optimistic email Saturday evening, so the clubhouse was pretty full again for the briefing at 9:30am. There was also a long two-seater flying list, with eight junior pilots all keen to fly. 

Flying began at 10:00am, with Dave Perriam helping to fly some of the new Trial Lesson returners, fortunately we had some good experienced members on the airfield to show the new members the daily activities, and keep things flowing. Trevor Russell (877) and Richard Roberts (V5) took their own gliders for an airing! Then Ashley Thomas took his first flight in 877, as a new syndicate member.

Ashley Thomas with his new syndicate glider (Sally Hender)

Things seemed to vary considerably in the air, with flights ranging from 5 mins to 30 mins! At 2:45pm the winch was declared U/S with a split hose so we resorted to aerotow launches, and then there was a dash to obtain spare parts, thank you to those involved who were still working on the winch as we left the airfield at 6pm. 

Mike Sloggett valiantly continued with the seemingly ever growing two-seater list, resorting to single flights to get through the numbers. Ian Mitchell arrived late afternoon and helped fly the last couple of remaining pilots. A challenging day, with a massive thanks to Mike Sloggett, who stepped in to an empty morning Instructor slot, and ended up training all day. A total of 47 movements! Sally Hender