Thurs 12th September

 With the usual early crew being their enthusiastic selves followed by only a surprisingly few additional members, considering how many days have been missed or cut short! The decision was then taken that we would try to make the most of an unpromising forecast. Two K21s and the Junior were DI'd and the field set up for the expected NNW sporting day. The briefing was held outside ( it was quite warm in the sun) and flying commenced. 

Showers around (Mike Sloggett)


Mike Sloggett took Glyn Bellerby up for two training flights followed by two flights with Geoff Lawrence.   The remainder, all being solo pilots made use of the 2nd K21 and the Junior.  

We worked through the list giving all present at least one currency flight with the average flight being an extended circuit (about 10 minutes). Lunchtime was called and Vicky was at her efficient best to feed us all without much warning (thanks Vicky). 

Rainbow over North Hill (Mike Sloggett)


The day progressed well other than a couple of enforced breaks due to the predicted rain showers, luckily for once the worst of it passed to the south west of North Hill.  Flying continued with members alternating between flying,  operating the launch area and manning the winch and cable retrieve.

Devon countryside under blue sky and fluffy cloud ( Mike Sloggett)


During the afternoon there was a flurry of activity around the airfield as other members de-rigged gliders and packed them in trailers prior to a long drive to Portmoak.

Thank you to Ian Mitchell for completing the first Annual on the Eurofox, and following the test flight,  Dave Perriam looked after the Trial lesson visitors with a few sporting thermals.

 A successful use of a unpromising day, when optimism was rewarded - thank you to all involved today, great teamwork from start to finish! - Gordon Hutchinson, Ashley Thomas, Mike Sloggett (ed mashup)