Sat 31st August - Dartmoor GS expedition

Wave! The wonderful lift* version, rather than the flailing of arms type, summed up the amazing start to Day Two of the DSGC 2024 expedition to the Dartmoor Gliding Society. Rick Wiles (DGS Duty Instructor) had given a very thorough briefing that indicated that ‘wave’ might be a possibility but not a certainty.  Gavin followed up with a ‘Visiting Pilots Briefing’ and for the DSGC members present: Kevin Fairburn, Hans Jenssen, Karen King, Dave Perriam, Paul Medlock and instructors James Flory and Mike Sloggett hope was in the air. 

KEK ready (Dave Perriam)

 First to fly was Kevin Fairburn and Mike Sloggett borrowing a DGS K13 with Karen King and James Flory next in the DSGC K21.    Initial flights for both were short and described well by James as being in ‘a washing machine’ as close to the airfield there was a large amount of ‘rotor’. 

In wave over Dartmoor National Park (Mike Sloggett)

However, on the following K13 and K21 flights by flying straight ahead both gliders flew into wave and whilst at times the lift was broken seeing the vario hit 10 and easily maintaining a height of 2500-3000 feet was a breathtaking experience.  Added to which to be over the stunning sunlit landscape of the Dartmoor National Park was an absolute privilege. 

Dave Perriam flying the DGS Astir (Karen King)

To give other DSGC members a similar opportunity, both gliders after about 30 mins headed back to the airfield with Hans Jenssen/Mike Sloggett and Dave Perriam/James Flory next to fly and whilst all had reasonable length flights the wave had dissipated. 

Giving others the chance to fly (Dave Perriam)

Much later in the day Paul Medlock flew with James, but conditions didn’t improve. However, it did lead to Paul being signed off to fly the DGS Astir.  Dave Perriam having had a couple of launches in their Astir mid-afternoon. In closing, an excellent day made even better by the great welcome that all DSGC pilots received from the Dartmoor Gliding Society members.  Additional appreciation goes to DGS for the invitation to join their summer barbecue that night with a good time had by all attendees (thank you to DGS Mike Bennett for the hard work putting it together).  - Karen King
*for any non-gliding readers for more details please see: