Thurs 3rd October

 After what seemed an eternity it was great to have a 'normal flying day', although we did have to endure the long walk to the far west end of the airfield. Clear blue skies greeted us from the start which made such a change from the low cloud base and windy conditions of recent weeks!

Initially the flights were short in the moderate wind which was straight down the field with various gliders searching the sky for the elusive wave that never really materialised. Around lunch time the clouds and thermals appeared, extending the flight times considerably. Quite a few achieved times approaching the hour. 

A "normal flying day" library photo

 After much activity, those on the ground felt the air temperature turn cold and within minutes all the airborne gliders were on the ground with them. Someone had turned the thermals off. Short flights returned for the rest of the day. 

More days like this please

 Mike Sloggett as duty instructor was no doubt pleased to have assistance from Pete Smith, Steve Westlake, Ron Johns and Chris Wool, who all turned up to help instruct. Mike also had the pleasure of flying with Pete Harmer for over an hour after his long layoff. 

Could have been a summer sky (Mark Courtney)

A good time was had by all, shame it's not like this every week! - Mark Layton