Sat 5th October

 Despite Mark's warning about wind strength and direction it was possible that there would be members attending given that we are heading into winter.  However by 8:45 there was only one man and his dog.

Shortly after David and Arthur Hier arrived followed by a small number of other members.  We all set to work so that by the 9:30 brief the winch and launch point had been set up.  While Mark enjoyed his breakfast! a K21 and the Perkoz and DG505 were taken out of the hangar, DI'd and walked to the north west corner. 

Another fantastic October sky (Simon Leeson)

With the forecast being for a strong and gusting South Easterly it was found at the west end that the wind was firmly set as South West.  Over time this settled down to being a strong southerly crosswind, occasionally switching between South East and South West.  This led to some interesting or character building approaches, depending on your point of view. 

Quick break for lunch (Mark Courtney)

With the small flying list and a number of instructors flying commenced and other than a break for lunch it continued all day until everyone that wanted to fly had done so.  Despite the forecast some good flying was undertaken, ranging from a few minutes to an hour.  Team Hender competed for the longest flight with Dan and Sally (63mins) just being pipped by Dan and Rob (64mins).

Dan and Sally Hender in DG505 (Sally Hender)

Pilots either just experiencing the conditions or building on their skills in more challenging weather.  10 flights in total.  Thank you to the instructors who made the day possible.

Today proved the adage "if you don't come to the airfield you will not fly" - Ashley Thomas