Sun 13th October

 The Sunday crowd was small but organised, and had the gliders out and inspected before Ron's briefing. Though we were faced  with a high overcast, there was hope for the sun to eventually bring us some thermic activity. Up went the troops and the gliders to the west end, and with the grass wet from Saturday's rain, everyone started flying with wet socks. 

Well done to Dan Hender who completed his Cloud flying endorsement with Ian Mitchell.


James Flory and Mike Sloggett were available to assist Ron Johns, and the first flights were launched shortly after 10:00, but apparently the sun gods didn't hear our pleas, as it was predominantly a day for circuits. Those not flying must have heeded my Launch Marshall harrangues, as we had retrieve vehicles poised to go after landing gliders just as the gliders were tuning final. And this resulted in a very good launch rate. Thank you all!!

After a break for Vicki's outstanding Sunday pork roast lunch.....

Vicki's Roast Pork - a very pleased Rob Hender (Tom Sides)


......we resumed flying only to be surprised by a dog running on the field in front of the launch area. 

Landing long with Paul Medlock (Rich Roberts)


Our stalwart dog wrangler team cleared the area in true cattle drive style and flying continued until almost 5pm. Thanks to Alan for aerotowing, the instructors, and truthfully, everyone. It wasn't an epic flying day, but with 35 flights, it brought a smile to your Treasurer's face. - Tom Sides