Wed 30th August

 Just before 9 am the flying list had 17 on the training list and 12 on the solo list which proved initially to be a  problem in that there was only one instructor. Pete Smith put out a call for help but luckily Ron Johns turned up hoping to fly his ASH25, then decided against it after looking at the overcast conditions. Pete breathed a sigh of relief and along with Ron started to make their way through the flying list initially just doing one flight each.

The overcast sky showed signs of thermal activity and from about 11 o'clock became soarable as the sun broke through to help things along. It was easy if you launched at the right time and less so if you didn't. So it was great for some and disappointing for others as the sky cycled two or three times during the day. 

Perkoz (Mark Layton)

 Five privateers also took the opportunity to fly their gliders. Gordon Hutchinson - JDP was allowed to fly his own glider for a change before handing it over to Dan Hender who still hasn't got tired of it yet! Andrew Logan - FMS, John Borland - FAJ, Jeff Taberham - 380 and Mark Layton - 477 all managed to have good soaring flights.

There was also a number of recently soloed pilots who continued to build up their flights. By the end of the day the flying list was covered in ticks and all those who wanted to fly did so. The indifferent weather forecast turned out to be a very enjoyable one! - Mark Layton