Wed 12th October

 The day started with debating how few members we could operate with. Fortunately before we reduced it to the fingers of one hand our numbers doubled and it was thunderbirds are go. The wind was light south westerly as forecast with cloudbase higher and brighter than expected. Given just the K21s and a Junior to operate we set up for the longest run possible NE – SW and were rewarded with 1750ft for the first launch by Andy Davey, getting back to currency after an enforced layoff. We had good launches all day.

The fields down towards Broadhembury were spectacular in colour and pattern in the early sun. (Peter Smith)

 More members steadily appeared and Robert volunteered to do the trial lessons, enabling me to start tackling the list. The booked trial lesson was well impressed and is hoping her son will join the junior ranks. Numbers were increasing steadily and Peter Warren left the tug in its box and brought out the Perkoz to fly with Ashley Thomas. He handed it over to Ex CFI Stu Procterwho we were delighted to see, definitely more relaxed with the weight off his shoulders. He flew with Taunton Peter L Smith while Pete Warren completed the afternoon with Jonathan Erskine.

All was going well until the lingering cloud and murk in the west made a rapid approach across the valley bringing my last flight with Paul Harman to an abrupt end as indeed it had to Stu in the Perkoz. Sandy missed out on flying after being in the launch point all day which we will address next week, but as promised we made the most of the day. - Peter Smith