Tues 18th October

Yesterday I sought help to move the glider trailer shelter project forward and am pleased to report that it was well supported and we made good progress today.

Digging the first hole (Peter Smith)

We managed to excavate for the first 3 of the 9 major supports and erect the substantial posts therein without mishap using bespoke methods to cope with the strata which is hard packed flints and chert.  Jonathan Erskine was present in his official role as observer of things archaeological, and fortunately his knowledge was not called upon.

Erecting the second post (Peter Smith)

  Chairman Nick kept us in order from the digger cab and Ashley Thomas, Trevor Russell, Brian Knight and George Sanderson divided the tasks between them and made it all happen, thank you all.

First 3 posts all in a line (Peter Smith)

 We hope to fix another day in a week or so to continue the progress. It’s always nice when things start going up, not down. - Peter Smith