Tue & Wed 6 /7 September - Course Week


The optimistic comment from the 5th of ‘weather tomorrow looks slightly more promising’ was quickly contradicted by another strong southerly accompanied by lashings of rain testing the Clubhouse roof (pleased to report just a small puddle in the briefing room). 

So instead, there was a general talk for a couple of hours, a bit of ground school and a check out of the simulator  so an early finish for all. 

North Hill Weather station


A theme is developing with an abundance of ‘worst weather and forecasts ever known for a course’ comments however, the students still optimistically gathered at 9.00 a.m. but were heading to their cars and accommodation by 1 p.m.   
As the iconic last line in the book (and film adaptation) Gone with the Wind (apt given the weather) goes ‘tomorrow is another day’! - Karen King