Sat 24th September

 The airfield was set up at the west end, so the first launch didn’t happen until about 11am. Duty am Instructor Mark Courtney, ably assisted by James Flory (tug pilot) and Mike Sloggett (pm instructor).
There was a fairly short flying list, but this gave each of the pupils great opportunities to fly. Well done to Mike Willmott for the longest flight of just under an hour.

Launch Control gets to fly (Sally Hender)

 With everyone flown by about 3pm, I was given the opportunity of a flight with Mike, thank you! We then did a few extra flights for the people on the list, and finally packed up by about 5pm.

A lovely chilled day on the airfield, thank you to everyone for your help, especially Connor Williams, Dave Weeks, Phil Rowlands and Mark Wallis who helped all day and didn’t even fly.  - Sally Hender