Sat 10th September

 After the difficult weather for the course week, Saturday's forecast was promising a flyable day. The kit was readied with James Flory expecting a long Duty Instructor day. A minute's silence for reflection was held at the launchpoint before flying started. 

James was kept busy with the two-seater training list, James Smart looked after the Trial lesson visitors and Robert Lee  some Family and friends flights. 

Pete Harmer was duty Tug Pilot but once all the tows were completed, helped out with the two-seater list. Well done to Kevin Fairburn and Rob Hender for both completing their check flights and solos in K21 after a short break for weather and holidays since their first solo flights.

A small grid today (Karen King)


Pete Startup  230 showed that it was soarable by creeping off to Knowstone and back, whilst Dan Hender in JDP and Mark Wallis in CEC also had local soaring flights. 

A handy street formed up for Pete (Karen King)

 Nick Jones and Peter Smith completed baton relays on the tractor - continuing to roll and level the new 6 acres.

Thanks to everyone for helping James get through the day. - 36 winch launches and 6 aerotows today - J&P