Tues 7th June - Course Week

 The theme of Day 2 was lots of milling, willing and filling in time with the usual numerous cups of tea. The willing worked, and the log was kicked into action around 1.30 p.m. with various members being treated to eventualities practice.  All successfully dealt with.

Heavy clouds today (Karen King)
Each of the course week students got to fly at least 2 flights, with Mike Meatyard having an additional solo K21 flight. Guy Adams and Tim Powell had the longest, and last, flight of the day (c30 mins) being able to enjoy a landing on an empty airfield.

In the morning there was also an opportunity for Paul, who is new to the club, to have a briefing, by John, on winch launching focusing specifically on the safety aspects. 

On return to the club room at around 6.30 p.m., it was noted that, despite initial adverse weather conditions, 18 flights were flown (several simply to the end of the airfield) so an OK 2nd day. - Karen King