Thurs 9th June

 The Thursday forecast was decidedly poor, but a few of the regulars arrived to share the day with the June Course. For once the weather was better than forecast, meaning it looked flyable  with full cloud cover and a strong gusting South to South West wind and a cloud base somewhere below 2000ft. 

Empty launchpoint in the overcast skies (Jill Harmer)

John Sillett (course captain) roused the tea-drinking members to action and 2* K21’s , 2* Junior’s and the Purkoz were DI’d and taken to the North East launch point. The launches were good and lumpy with most reaching 1500-1600ft. Most flights were extended circuits (10-15 minutes) under full cloud cover in the gusting wind. The longest flight (John Borland) a lucky 31 minutes. There were some interesting approaches in the increasingly southerly wind. After a brief period of heavy drizzle in the afternoon the cloud base lowered to around 1000ft limiting the flying still further although the course continued with low circuits / eventualities. All in all better than expected. - John Borland (lucky blogger!)