Wed 22nd December

About a dozen people were at the club, taking up the Instructors invitation to 'keep current' on one of the last flyable days of the year. It turned out to be much better than expected with wave to the south of the field making 'staying aloft'  very easy. 


The call from Chairman Nick - Come on up, there's wave above North Hill (Nick Jones)

Three instructors were available which helped while a good SSE'ly crosswind made for some entertainment on launch and landing. All bar one had good flights with many having to 'airbrake down', but unfortunately Andrew Broderick just missed flying when low cloud started moving in just before 1pm. 4 gliders had been towed up to the Western end including the DG505, and for some time they were all in the air together, with little for those left on the ground to do.

We were all down by 1:30pm, but managed 8 hrs of flying in 14 flights, and everything was packed away before the rain came. - Chris Warnes