Thurs 2nd December

With the prospect of icy roads and a strong north wind in a clear sky the Thursday regulars were slow to arrive and even slower to emerge from the Clubhouse to set up the field. The winch having been declared U/S yesterday required some magic from Peter Smith assisted by Gordon Hutchinson to bring it back on line.

 The first launch got away under strong Blue card conditions at 11am. With an 8 – 13kt northerly cross wind the conditions were challenging resulting in 4-6 minute circuits. Pete Harmer spent an intensive day in the gentle hands of Chris Wool (playing Blogs) carrying out his 5 year instructor checks and eventually emerging with a grin. 

Wooly playing Blogs for Pete's 5 year checks (David Clements)

 Ron Johns and Peter Smith bravely worked their way through the two-seater list. As the day progressed and the conditions improved, the card colour slowly descended to Yellow then Red.   Eric rigged his ASG29 and with the assistance of his Turbo managed to reach some weak wave to the North and spending 1:23 aloft. The longest winch launch went to Pete Startup making a dash for the North ridge  which was providing weak lift for an extended 15 minute flight.  

Ron Johns with Jonathan Erskine (David Clements)

As the sun slowly set in the south west (it is Winter) everyone had flown, clocking up 29 winch launches and 2 aerotows.  The last aerotow to 4000ft was for Andy Davey solo in a K21 who nearly managed to beat the Tug down with a sequence of aerobatic manoeuvres.  

Stewart emerged to catch a few rays before the sun went down (Stewart Henshall)

 And in the 'Batcave' aka Simulator Room Stewart Henshall  was putting the final touches to the upgraded system ready to demonstrate it on Saturday evening. All in all a successful days flying after an interesting start. Not bad for the first Club day of Winter. - John Borland