Wed 3rd November

Well the day started in a leisurely way with the normal Wednesday crew rolling in, the field inspection was carried out following the rather heavy or large amount of water that fell from the skies, but, it was deemed usable and the kit was readied and positioned for the days activities.

The weather was reasonable and quite calm, allowing a fair number of flights to take place, with all present who wanted to fly, flown. Flights were fairly short with it being quite cold allowing for minimal lift. The afternoon saw a couple of aerotows take place for currency and training.

However, the Wednesday crew led by John Sillett and Glenn Turpin had a good day and James Smart even managed to get a trial lesson flight in for a lady that really enjoyed her time in the air, and was full of the joys when back on the ground. 

Setting sun (Dave Perriam)

 As with this time of year the darkness started to close in and end of day hangar flights were soon upon us.

Overall a good days flying for the time of year. - Dave Perriam