Thur 11th November

 Surprisingly, cloud was above launch height for the first flight, and the air was amazingly clean with sunlit banks of cloud.  Two K21s, a Junior and Perkoz were in demand. But during the morning the cloud started to build up and an early lunch was called for some light drizzle. 

Bands of cloud developing (Jill Harmer)

 In the afternoon, conditions got better and better, although the forecast southerly wind didn't pick up significantly. Some weak wavy conditions provided reduced sink for the high launches. 

Stewart Henshall and Andy Williams both claimed the longest flights of 22 minutes. With 23 flights in total it proved to be a really pleasant day. Unfortunately Stirling Melhuish missed out on flying after winching all afternoon due to the canopies misting as the sun was going down.

A wavy edge (Stewart Henshall)

Junior LRD was rigged after its Annual (thanks Carl Tharme and Andrew Logan for the speedy turnround.) Stewart, Jill and Pete spent some more time checking out the new projections on the Simulator at lunchtime and after flying. Thanks everyone. - J&P