Sat 20th November

It was a slow start, with low cloud stopping play starting too early. However the hangars were unpacked with the optimism ever present among glider pilots. Duty instructor Mark Courtney was feeling under the weather, so the afternoon instructor, John Sillett took on the reins and the first pupil in the K21. With just five flights taken, the cloud was moving back down towards the airfield, so the decision was made to break early for lunch. 

Low cloud started rolling back in (Dan Hender)

 However, after eating and putting the world to rights, the call was made to put all the toys away for the day. More tea and cakes were consumed and members drifted off home to earn brownie points (or watch the rugby!)

Stewart Henshall helped by Jill & Pete have been burning lots of midnight oil with fine-tuning the simulator upgrade, which will be ready for general release very soon.

Thanks to all who tried to make a go of the day. - Sally Hender