September -Denbigh expedition Sunday

Forecast wind South-southwesterly and SkySight showed wave was likely in fact the sky was showing lenticulars in the distance. Chris started the towing operation ASAP and BBB was 3rd away. 

 A climb over Denbigh was found and Tom Sides joined in below. Due to changeable winds DD3 missed out on its slot and was asked to go to the other end. The cloud was filling in fast and Pete Startup was dropped into a hole that closed as he arrived. 


The Eagle let down through the last of the hole and went to perch on the one bit of the ridge that seemed to work in the SSW. Tom was braver and stayed above cloud working his way north. 


230 and BBB spent the next 3 hrs working the short ridge beat as the sky cycled but never really sorted itself out.

Gliders safely stowed and fingers crossed for Monday. -John Pursey