Wed 18th August - Course Week

The day started with poor weather as the cloudbase was too low for gliders to winch up. We had a few lectures with the course members about takeoff which included the stages and the appropriate speeds and correct instructions. 

After lunch the cloud lifted slightly and we were able to do simulated launch failures with the more experienced members on the course. Luckily a few flights later and we were able to fly along the ridge for a few hours. It was hard to avoid the cloud base and being quite low was always quite tricky. 

Well done Stewart (Mark Courtney)

Well done to Stewart Henshall,  having spent a year in Hong Kong (with mainly Condor for flying), was able to  re-solo following a thorough checkout by  Course Instructor Steve Westlake. The longest flight of the day was 35mins. Unfortunately the low cloud cancelled the Wednesday evening session. - Harry Rigby