Thur 26th August

The Thursday crew arrived in good numbers to low cloud and a strong NNE crosswind. Graham was kept busy as the Clubhouse filled with much speculation about when the decaying cold front would pass through. The morning was spent partially emptying the hanger to make room to remove the Perkoz wings for an examination of the Drag pin locking mechanism. (See google groups for background) All was found to be working but revised guidance on rigging is being considered. 

A  good crosswind to contend with (David Clements)

 The clouds started to clear late morning and all four 2-seaters and one junior were walked up to the west end. In yellow card conditions flying started in earnest by 12:30.

North Hill from the east end (Mike Horwood)

 Most flights were short with limited soaring opportunities, but as usual timing and skill made the difference with a few flights of over half an hour. Gordon Bonney showing the way with the longest flight of 41 minutes and then only coming down to keep the list moving.

Longest flight of the day (David Clements)

 Four instructors worked their way through the long 2-seater list, including one donated Charity winch flight and we also welcomed a new young member Caterina Gibbs who added to her first training flights yesterday. In all 35 flights and all flown home by 6pm, thanks to everyone for helping to keep the flying list moving with just a half day available - John Borland