Sun 22nd August

 After a volatile forecast finally came good, a decent number of members turned up for a day of flying on Sunday. By 9am the hangar was being emptied, minus the Perkoz that was u/s. Launching commenced before 10am under a low cloud base with launches of up to 1300ft with many pulling off due to the cloud.

 By midday Andrew Logan had sorted the issue with the Perkoz drag pin and the remaining trial lessons were entertained in NH2, with the first two having been undertaken in JZK. A big thank you to James Smart and Paul Summers for helping with the 4 trial lessons of the day. 

Private owners on the grid (Charlie Stuckey)

As the cloud lifted and the thermals built a decent number of private gliders attempted soaring flights with a few getting away despite far from ideal conditions. John Sillett and Martin Woolner worked through the K21 list and later in the afternoon Ian Mitchell cleared Charlie Stuckey backseat in the DG505, Josh Funnell solo in the DG505.  Paul Medlock started to regain currency after a year or so without flying the DG505. Flying continued until gone 5pm with a long but productive day enjoyed by all. - Charlie Stuckey