Fri 9th July - Course Week

The weather was not looking promising as we scanned the forecast on Friday morning with the initial forecast suggesting rain by midday; again! With lots to still achieve the kit was out and the field set up before 9. The first flight with Sam Slattery followed soon after, although he didn’t make it above 150 feet before James Flory in the back pulled the release! After that excited Sam was pleased to see James get out and let him get on with 3 subsequent solos.

Congratulations to Mike Meatyard - First solo in a glider (James Flory)

 Meanwhile John Sillett was putting Mike Meatyard through his paces with a combination of launch failures and circuits, before John did the decent thing and got out to allow Mike to do his first solo on gliders, closely followed by a second. Meanwhile James flew briefly with Karen King before letting her do 3 more solo flights and John introduced Steve Dicksee to the circuit.

 Fortunately by now the weather had had second thoughts and was looking ok for the afternoon so after a quick lunch James sent Josh Batchelor off to complete another solo whilst John flew with Tim Petty continuing his return to flying training. There was even time to let a few course helpers get some time in the junior. James closed proceedings with a flight with Emma Flory, another one of the course helpers, enjoying a nice flight on the south ridge.

Congratulations - 3 first solos in course week Mike, Sam and Josh (James Flory)

What a week, the weather did its best to keep us guessing but despite the showers we achieved three first solos, two new winchdriver qualifications and several ground task cards being signed off for a variety of roles. Overall a great team effort . Special thanks to Dave Perriam, Gordon Hutchinson and Emma Flory as our ground helpers and to Andy Batchelor for helping out throughout the week.  (Ed. and thanks of course to Instructors John Sillett and James Flory) - James Flory