Fri 23rd - Sun 25th July - Camphill

With the Camphill Vintage week being a victim of the lockdown extension, the official week was shunted on a month. Team Eagle had already had a few days in the Peaks on the original week due to holiday being booked by the workers but a last minute decision was made to dash back up for the end of the official week. Obviously it missed the best weather but 3 days of flying, over 12 launches and many hours made it well worth the trip.

John & Dan (John Pursey)

Easterly winds meant no ridge soaring but the local topography helps chuck the air up in other ways so even on the greyest day (Friday) it was not all sled rides down. Locals and rally goers had the chance to try BBB - many thanks to Ian and Malcolm for a Wednesday sprint for CofA and insurance- and Dan had over 3 hours on Sunday, long enough for his rear to enjoy the Eagle back seat sitting position!

Newly restored BRA (John Pursey)

Lots of gloriously restored Capstans, a new one to us was BRA which the Strand family had refurbished as a team effort! Very impressive. Young Imogen Strand came for a couple of flights in the Eagle and her family are keen to come to the Pocklington 2 seat comp so could be some serious rivalry… - John Pursey