Wed 27th January

 Condor Racing

Today's race was in New Zealand and a rerun of the task for the Junior Gliding practice day, 131kms with ridge running and thermals.

Dan made a mess of the run in to the start gate (too high) - but that was easily fixed with a swift loop through the window. The first leg from Omarama heading northeast  followed the ridge with a westerly wind and a thermal was needed around the first turnpoint. 

 The second leg included a  choice of routes with a pass at 4500ft,  across Lake Ohau to Maitland. Following the turn the route south  had the option of jumping some ridges with  areas of sink crossing the valleys. The final leg having turned Omarama Saddle was a straightforward run back to the finish.

 Dan beat his previous time by two minutes at 134kph with Stewart 2nd at 129kph, Chris, David and Pete took it a bit more leisurely taking in the great scenery! - J&P