Wed 20th January

 Condor Racing

A very big congratulations to Dan Hender for winning the first competition task of the UKJG eWinter Series Round 2 on Tuesday evening. It was a 206kms ridge-running task from Omarama in New Zealand, there are 4 more competition days on Tuesday evenings to follow. 

On Wednesday, the Condor regulars tried another race129kms, following the route of Hannibal crossing the Alps, the start was at Bex in Switzerland finding a route to follow some elephants into  Italy!

This was one of our early flights in the Alps in October when we flew DuoDiscus, and so to put another spin on it, Chris and David flew in K21s, Pete took a Blanik and Stewart a K6. 

 Quite a different perspective in these gliders particularly the K6 which went up very easily but took a long while to go forward.  There are many different possible routes across the Alps and Chris headed off exploring alternatives, whilst Pete managed to follow a pass in the wrong direction and ended up with a very long track picking up thermals on the plain. 

 Stewart commented on the different options available from a K6, and everyone took some valuable experience from the task.  Chris' route proved the fastest at 111kph and beat the K6 even on handicap, and Pete did an extra 35km. Great fun. -J&P